VERITAS, 1ES 1218 + 30.4 and the Extragalactic Background Light
by Luis Valcarcel - Centre for High-Energy Physics, Department of Physics - McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
November 11, 2008
From Abstract: Blazars are extremely powerful astrophysical objects that emit radiation up to the TeV regime. 1ES 1218 + 30.4 is one such object. It was observed from December 20, 2006, to March 20, 2007, by the γ-ray experiment VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System), an array of four 12-m atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes located in southern Arizona. These observations are analyzed and 1ES 1218 + 30.4 is detected with high significance. The observed spectrum is also found to be in agreement with previous results and is here measured to be (2.2 ± 0.3stat. ± 0.4sys.)×10−12cm−2s−1 TeV−1(E0.8 TeV )−2.8±0.2stat.±0.2sys.in the 350 GeVto 1.9 TeV energy range. The spectrum is used to constrain the extragalactic background light by unfolding the intrinsic spectrum for many possibilities and keeping only the ones that lead to physically permissible intrinsic spectra. The direct measurements of the extragalactic background light at near infrared wavelengths are challenged by the limits derived in this work.